A tribute to Fritz Smith from Mary Murphy, ZB faculty member, at his 90th birthday, May, 2019.
Read MoreOf the many we could have chosen here is a small selection of photos from Fritz’ life
Read MoreAt his 90th birthday party in 2019, Dr. Fritz Smith, the founder of Zero Balancing, said with glee that he’d see us at his 95th birthday.
Read MoreFear is natural - it is like spring hiding beneath winter - water under the earth - anxiety just needs breath to turn into excitement.
Read MoreOn May 11, Dr. Fritz Smith would have been 95. Gratefully he has spent his whole life exploring the deepest ways to positively affect the human being in body, mind and spirit. The book “Life in the Bones” explains his life and Zero Balancing’s development. “This amazing biography taught me more about the energy body and the origin and evolution of mind/body therapies than I have learned in 30 years of practice and teaching. “ - Paul Sibcy, MA
Read Morea new poem
Read MoreA provocative handout to inform and inspire you in your work. Sometimes therapists just think we are performing helpful techniques/services. In truth, when we engage our whole self the result is vastly healthier for both the practitioner and client/patient.
Read MoreThe mysterious universe is our source, the seed of whatever we do, thus all our creations have celestial origins.
Read MoreHow is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness relevant to massage therapy?
Read MoreI was teaching a workshop recently in Tucson, Arizona and one of the students was one of my least favorite kinds. This led to some revised thinking on my part…
Read More“Let no one enter here who is ignorant of geometry.” - inscription over the door of Plato’s Academy
Read MoreSomebody asked me today - when I was talking about my happy marriage of 35 years – what was my secret?
Read MoreA poem inspired by the humerus and the role it plays in love
Read MoreNotes on how time flows within a session. What’s different about therapeutic time?
Read MoreTo my knowledge this is the first translation of anything I’ve written into Spanish. It’s a great honor and pleasure to have received this translation from Julio Vicente Perez Infante - “Vitamina T.”
Read MoreA fascinating, subtle, and super important aspect of Zero Balancing is that you “evaluate” a bone or joint before you choose to place a fulcrum in it. So, first, there is the commitment to deep curiosity, compassion, and care involved in getting to know a place in a person before you choose to “do” anything.
Read MoreIn August 2024 I will be returning to the UK to teach Deep Massage, both basic and advanced< at the Bristol College of Massage and Bodywork. These are dependably some of the most profound students I’ve ever taught due to their collective level of education, intelligence and sensitivity.
Read MoreAt the Lauterstein-Conway School we have just been thrilled with 23 participants in the “Geometry of Healing” course. For most of them – 17 - this is the culmination of their 100 hours in our Intensive Certification Program that began last May.
Read More"Without religion life becomes like a machine without oil, it runs hot, even if its functions, some part of it is always burning out." - Guardini. I don’t believe “religion” but some belief, some hope, is central to our lives feeling meaningful.
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