In Zero Balancing pausing and taking our hands off the body is as important as our touching. Pausing allows for the client to respond from inside out.  It is like a conversation – the person cannot respond unless you stop talking!  We live in a culture that does not much value pausing. But it is essential!

The pause between our inhales and exhales, the pause that allows us to reflect on a stimulus before we respond, the pause between the notes in music, the pause – the space between all things that gives them room to be. There are the gaps that are the joints in our body, the joints between nerve cells we call synapses. Everywhere you look you begin to see pauses and gaps, not just existing things.

In the ZB course titled “Geometry of Healing” we indeed welcome these gaps in space and time. We increase our skills at pausing and doing nothing at just the right time!

“Past karma shapes your experience of the world.  It exists: there is not much you can do about it.  Yet you are also constantly creating new karma and that gives you a golden opportunity.  With your reaction to each experience, you create the karma that will color your future.  It is up to you whether this new karma is positive or negative.  You simply have to pay attention at the right moment.

Think of how karma operates as if it were a key ring.  It seems solid; you can move your key seamlessly around the circle.  Yet there is actually a start and an end to the key ring – and a gap.  If you know the gap is there, and you have the skill, you can extricate your key from the ring.  Similarly, earlier karma creates your experience of events.  Your reaction, based on your experience, triggers new karma and a new cycle to continue in an endless sequence.  Or you can find the gap, gain the skill, and extricate yourself from the cycle, simultaneously building your compassion and enhancing your sense of inner ease.”

            -    Trungram Gyalwa Rinpoche in Tricycle magazine

Trungram Gyalwa Rinpoche