in Zero Balancing we recognize there are joints in the body are foundational yet very irregular. I deeply appreciate the bones in the feet and elsewhere in the body that nestle together to give us irregular architectures that result in our amazing ability to move while balancing ourselves.

I read a recent post (below) that evokes this capacity as manifest in nature and in ancient architecture. Straight lines and right angles don’t exist in nature. Everywhere we look, everything we touch, is curved.  Every curve has the amazing property of being an arc which eventually could become a circle and so coming around, back to our starting points and new beginnings. This also corresponds to the ancient Greek view of sacred time as “kairos,” exemplified by holy days that come around again and again as opposed to “chronos” which imagines time to be just a straight line.

Things relate to each other through conjoined irregularities.  This knowledge is amplified by appreciating the magic, for example, of corn kernels perfectly fitting in their irregularity, and the ingenuity of conjoined shapes in ancient stone-walled temples.

Particularly fascinating and important is the irregularity of “foundation” joints” in our bodies. Unlike joints designed primarily for locomotion these are designed to distribute and transmit force (aka energy) through the body.  These are similar to the foundational myofascial “joints” which are more horizontal than vertical in orientation but which allow for the passage of substance and energy through the body – diaphragms that facilitate the passage of light through the eyes, nourishment and breath through the throat, the thoracic diaphragm that moves in breathing, the pelvic diaphragm that allows for elimination, etc.  The skeletal foundation (and what we call semi-foundation) joints are like diaphragms that distribute energy through us – through the cranium, the vertebrae and ribs, the sacro-iliac joints, the tarsal bones. These embody the wondrous articulateness Mother Nature has shown in myriad ways. Since everything is curved (to some extent) things come together with advantageous irregularities to support each other.

posted on Facebook, May 12, 2024 – on the page - “World Ancient History”  · 

”It took me years to realize that Inca and pre-Columbian architecture is directly related to the structure of the corn kernels. In a western model of thought, one might judge the shapes as irregular, but in a universal thought, everything is a correlation between the cosmos, science, art and humanity." (Fractal Nature)

As you can see, the organic growth forms are represented in a logarithmic way, and the fact that these pentagonal, hexagonal and heptagonal blocks coincide with the corn forms.”

- Juan Casco

The lack of symmetry in the walls helps dissipate the energy of the earthquakes. They were incredible engineers. Japanese researchers studied Machu Picchu after the Kobe earthquake and realised that these Inca structures had not been damaged by an earthquake.