“Time is a jet plane” – Bob Dylan

The class I just taught in Costa Rica was like, but unlike, many other workshops I’ve taught.  When we do a workshop where everyone dives into deeper aspects of their own being and those of the other participants, we create a special kind of time.

So much time is experienced kind of “chronologically” with one day following another, one hour another hour. But in a sustained context of exploring new existential territory, time changes.

I’ve now been back from the class for less than two weeks and it feels like it was many months ago.  Or it could have been a year ago.  Or on another level, it could have been a dream.

Every workshop, every powerful bodywork session, gives us the opportunity for a new experience, that may become a fulcrum for the whole rest of our life. 

It is these singularities – of environment, of personalities, of bodies, of learnings – that work on me and us, like magical fashioners. Creativity is something the past can participate in, flowing in like dreams, like revisitations.

Every past moment can be like an ancestor, a progenitor. I appreciate Proust’s entitling his great work, “In Search of Lost Time”, originally translated as “Remembrance of Things Past.”  I don’t worship the past, and am, in some respects, glad it’s over.  One of the great virtues of the past is that it’s over.

Yet I am certainly glad for certain singularities, such as this past workshop, where just 8 people and me, playing the role of teacher, went to a place of seemingly endless depth.

As we practice in doing a “fulcrum” (ZB and Deep Massage’s name for a technique that becomes a balancing opportunity rather than a manipulation) the last step is to clearly disconnect. So it is with these most wonderful singularities of the past.

They don’t become complete experiences unless they are over. So we are free from the past moments and, at the same time, the past then may become fully “there” for us like a recurrent dream, like a guide, a tracker.

Deeper and deeper we go – “All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” – Buber

I am grateful for these secret destinations and the mysteries these journeys have for us.  Thank you, Deep Massage crew, Costa Rica, 2023.