Recently a friend responded to our extended correspondence about life’s complications with one word.

She wrote, “Selah.”

I never had heard the word before and was intrigued. The deeper I explored the more mysterious and wonderful it became.

“Selah” is a word used 71 times in Psalms in the Old Testament. Its etymology and precise meaning are unknown!

Speculations range:

  • Pause

  • Stop and listen

  • Interlude

  • Always

  • Forever

  • Lift Up

  • Exalt

  • Praise

Zero Balancing and Deep Massage - really any profound experience – gives us pause.

It is in the pause that something new can be born – between one thought and another, one stanza and another, one glance away and a return to contact, the magic that seems to create a pause between night and day, between each heartbeat, between one fulcrum and another.



Surrounding grains of sand,


At certain points in psalms,


On the ocean floor,



To escape from the awkward


the brain chatter proceeds


you keep talking.

Pretty soon may

you run

out of things

to say!


The space


silence and noise


getting bigger

and bigger.

The Big Pause

is as important as

the big bang!


It means

to lift up,

and to exalt,

to raise voices,

means true and certain,

and to stop

and to listen,

also, forever.

- Selah