UNCANNY APPARITION - this morning our cat "Sister”, scratching in her litter box, left an image of Mick Jagger!

This is almost as astonishing as the time a church in Mexico had been attracting scores of worshippers for healing. This was due to the miraculous appearance of Jesus on the outside wall. However then there were a few rain storms that washed away dust from that wall, It turned out it was a poster for a Willie Nelson concert.

So far only Julie and I have come to worship at this sight within the divine litter box.

p.s. letting the cat out of the bag:
We ordinarily put pages of the Sunday New York Times under our litter box in case the cats miss the box. Julie had inadvertently put the Arts and Leisure section underneath So we were at first flumoxed by this image - it looked like it was simply the litter in the shape of Mick! Then we realized what had happened.