Adductor Magnus - Save the Mermaid, Save the World! ☺


One of the hardest muscles to visualize is the adductor magnus.  It originates along the bottom of the pubic and ischial ramus of the pelvis as far back as the ischial tuberosity.  The adductor magnus has perhaps the widest expanse of insertion of all the muscles of the body.

It inserts along almost the entire length of the posterior femur – into the gluteal tuberosity and down the entire linea aspera (“rough line”), down to the adductor tubercle just above the medial knee.  The linea aspera is, fascinatingly enough, also the origin for vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, the short head of biceps femoris, as well as being involved in the insertions of adductor longus, adductor brevis, and gluteus maximus.

This means, among other significances, that the uppermost area of adductor magnus’ insertion is actually lateral to the hamstrings.  Some books indeed characterize this upper portion of adductor magnus as the “fourth hamstring.”

In my first book (a whimsical text called “Putting the Soul Back in the Body”) I wrote - 

“The mermaid is a fascinating creature.  She illustrates the feeling that our body from the top of the pelvis down lies in the depths and represents a strong and more mysterious animal self. It’s almost as if the lower we go in our body, the more ‘animal’, the evolutionary ‘older’ we become. This can be felt through the legs.  Legs retain more animal spirit and structure because with them we still constantly relate to the ground, the ancient and ever-renewed origin and departure point of life.

‘…from dust to dust.’ Is this a description of walking? Or of life itself?

The adductor magnus, lying in the middle of our mermaid body, at the center of mystery so to speak, leads interestingly as well toward the other origin point of life, the genitals and birth canal. This area, precious to the individual and life of the species, often suffers from the ambivalent attitudes toward ‘animal’ sexuality in this culture. It is sad how difficult it is in our society to attain a position which is both mature and open toward sexuality.  Muscularly this often manifests in a hypersensitivity and/or constriction of adductor magnus and other nearby muscles.

Working with the various portions of the adductor magnus can variously – 

  • give more power to hip extension, adduction and hip flexion

  • bring more circulation and awareness into the inner thigh 

  • bring more nourishment to the person through the yin meridians – spleen, liver and kidney

  • help a person to feel more grounded

  • help a person feel more relaxed in their sensuality and sexuality

  • help a person feel more centered

  • free the adductor magnus from adhesions to, variously, the hamstrings, the quadriceps and the other adductors – allowing each of these muscles to do their jobs more effectively with less unnecessary effort.

I prefer to explore adductor magnus in a side-lying position. This allows better access and often more comfort and boundary clarity for the client – so that they don’t have the awkward experience of being worked on with their legs spread.  

Because of the roles adductor magnus plays in our lives, clarity regarding boundaries and a heightened level of knowledge and respect are extremely important here. At the same time, I encourage you to enjoy honoring adductor magnus for all the fascinating roles it plays in our lives.

Save the mermaid, Save the world!  ☺
