10 Reasons to Love the Gluteus Maximus


1. It gives us forward propulsion – think of the rear of horse or lion or a great sprinter. With gluteus maximus, the FORCE will be with you!

2. It is, in many cases, a wonderful, captivating shape! This should not be controversial to say!

3. It holds tension that, when we let go of it, allows us to feel more grounded in our legs, more self-confident on the earth.

4. It lies immediately below the lower back and therefore underlies all low back tension. Back tension needs an “exit strategy”! Let it flow through your pelvis and out through your legs!

5. It may have awkward or negative associations – often has been a locus of punishment as children. That adds to your compassion. The gluteus maximus may afford access to the inner child.

6. It can be a repository of negative associations because of the proximity of the poop function. This adds to your compassion and sense of irony. It’s been the ‘butt’ of many a joke, yet continues to play its powerful and positive role in our lives. And, needless to say, where would you be without pooping?

7. Massage done here, in the appropriate spirit, can remove negative associations; amplifying health and more positive self-image to this important part of us.

8. The associated soft tissues and bones from the bottom of the ischial tuberosities (sitz bones) to the top of the iliac crest span the 1st, 2nd and 3rd “chakras” – helping us integrate grounding, sexuality, birth, excitement, generosity, and power.

9. We spend hours a day sitting on it! No other part has had to endure so much psychophysical discrimination as gluteus maximus. Again this greatly increases my compassion and appreciation.

10. As a result of all the roles gluteus maximus plays in our world, it can manifest, much as does the jaw, a tremendous amount tension. When we release these tensions, we dramatically add to the sum total of accessible energy, strength and power in our lives.

So let us bring a clear, strong and compassionate spirit into our relationship to gluteus maximus!

Image Source: wikipedia.org

Image Source: wikipedia.org