Learning and experiencing artful bodywork has the power to re-awaken you to the miracle that you are.
My life’s work has proven this to be true, and I’m passionate about sharing what I’ve learned of the body-soul connection through what I like to think of as existential anatomy.
“Hands Make the World Each Day”
- Pablo Neruda

Playing the sarod in 1967
Where it all began
As a former music composer and improviser who eventually decided that the human was a more compelling instrument than the guitar, I began exploring the bodymind connection and touch in the early 1970s. Whether we are looking at the affects of touch or of artful sound, these both have the ability to go deeper than words can.
This site is meant to be a “memory palace” to assist me and others to re-member and embody what a truly healthy life looks and feels like — for individuals, communities and for the world as a whole. We all have a lot to learn and the deeper forms of massage and bodywork are among the deepest ways to learn from what Aldous Huxley called the “non-verbal humanities.”
Why I believe touch is so important
Touch is the first sense to develop in the embryo. Touch (along with hearing) is the last sense to go when we die. Touch lives at the very foundation of our world. 93% of communication is non-verbal. Our earliest learnings and beliefs are sensori-motor. So when we want to communicate with a person, touch, the first and last sense, goes far deeper than words. If we want to affect the person most deeply, touch is the most direct medium for fundamental change. The powerful role of communication through touch continues throughout life. 95% of the time we operate from subconscious programs.
Highly skilled touch is the natural medium to affect the body and the deepest layers of mind.
What’s next for me
I have worked since the mid-1970’s to find ways to help my students and clients relieve tensions and pain in their bodies (resulting from injuries and sometimes resulting from mental or emotional stress). When we let go of the deepest tensions, we can more thoroughly fulfill ourselves — living long, happy, and productive lives that seamlessly connect and embolden body, mind, emotion, and spirit.
With now over 40 years of exploration, therapy, teaching, and writing, I am thrilled to offer an extremely high level of bodywork and instruction. Every individual is different, and through dialogue and observation, I collaborate with my clients and students to get the very best results for their structure and for their energy in their work and life.
Whether you are interested in connecting to talk about a session for yourself, having me out for a teaching or speaking opportunity, attending a class or you’d like to explore a coaching relationship, I hope you’ll take some time to explore the site and then get in touch.